The blog start-up : Why, how, when, what …?

Feb 06, 2015 Categories: Comfy,cosy,living

Hey, good to see you (again)!  OR  Hi, lovely to meet you!

CCL (short for Comfy, Cosy, … Living The blog start up : Why, how, when, what ...? ) has been online for a month now and I wanted to chat with about my blog start-up.  Just a way for me to see where I am in my blogging adventure, find out where I’m going, setting or correcting blogging goals, and working out a detailed plan of action for the future.  I’d love to hear your opinion, remarks, ideas and tips.  So, here goes:

You might have read the odd thing or two about me and CCL on my … Read the rest =>

Homemade burger on a bloggy afternoon

Jan 30, 2015 Categories: Blogging, Kitchen, Main Courses

Last Sunday I invited special guests to come for dinner.  Martin and Alina, blogging relatives, were brave enough to accept the invitation and try my homemade burger.  Actually it was a bit of a blackmail trick!  Martin’s blog, WIHEL, is doing pretty well.  So I thought to “seduce” him with scrumptious food and doing so convince him to help me with some tricks of the blogging trade.

You know what?  It worked like a treat Homemade burger on a bloggy afternoon

He didn’t only help me speed up my website.  He also spent quite some time explaining me some basics that I couldn’t get into my … Read the rest =>

Chocolate pie – My Sunday treat

Jan 18, 2015 Categories: Comfy,cosy,living, Kitchen, Sweets

Today is one of those perfect Sundays: no appointments (Well, only swimming with Charlotte and her cousins), no jobs waiting to be finished.  Just doing what I feel like doing and leaving whatever I don’t what to touch.  So that leaves me blogging whilst I’m baking bread for this week and making a scrumptious Tarte au Chocolat.

Are you still left with tons of Christmas chocolates?  Chocolate figurines are tradition here in Germany.  We celebrate “Nicolaus” on December 6th, which leaves us with the first batch of chocolate. And 3 weeks later, Christmas gives us the final killer dosage.  No … Read the rest =>

Reading the perfect book – My 2015 Challenge

Jan 16, 2015 Categories: Library, Relaxed Reading

What do you think if I told you: “I hate reading!”  Can’t be, right?!  Wrong!!  To read a book is my personal torture.  And actually, I am quite ashamed to dislike reading so much.  It is so not the example I want to set my daughter.  I want her to loose herself in a gripping story.  Having her imagination run wild about the adventures she reads.  And most of all I want her to be hungry for more.  I want that for myself as well!  BUT … reading books is not a hobby for dyslectic people!

Today it ends!  Right … Read the rest =>

Welcome to my new Blog! Let’s toast on it.

Jan 01, 2015 Categories: Blogging, Drinks, Kitchen


Welcome to my new Blog!  Lets toast on it.

Welcome to my new Blog!

I wish everyone the best health, the strength to make your dreams come true and the tiny bit of luck we all need once in a while to enjoy the unexpected!

I celebrate the beginning of 2015 with a new blog!

Welcome to:

Comfy, Cosy, … Living

Let’s create Paradise!

Last year I started my first blogging experience.  I thought I was quite the expert when it came down to cooking.  And I must admit, it’s true … I am a pretty good kitchen queen … as long as I have recipes and cook … Read the rest =>