What do you think if I told you: “I hate reading!” Can’t be, right?! Wrong!! To read a book is my personal torture. And actually, I am quite ashamed to dislike reading so much. It is so not the example I want to set my daughter. I want her to loose herself in a gripping story. Having her imagination run wild about the adventures she reads. And most of all I want her to be hungry for more. I want that for myself as well! BUT … reading books is not a hobby for dyslectic people!
Today it ends! Right here, right now! Dyslexia will no longer be my excuse not to read!
This doesn’t mean that I haven’t been reading al these years! Of course I have read texts and blogs. I’ve even read bed time stories to my daughter. When it comes down to relaxing with a cup of tea and a good book … No, that’s not my way to relax. In school we had lists of books we had to read and discuss. OMG , those were to worst assignments. Turning my weakness in a strength, I started researching libraries for resumes, videos and everything related to the books in question. I could talk about them without having read a single word. It was never a problem. Well, it leaves me with the same issue today: I can’t or don’t like to read a book.
I have been tackling my “weakness” by analysing blogs and writing posts. But I have the feeling that, as long as I don’t read a proper book, or better still a few each year, I’ll never be able to say; “I have learned to live with my biggest weakness.”
So it was a blessing, finding the Popsugar Reading Challenge 2015 on Pinterest at the beginning of this month. THE occasion to get started!

Popsugar’s Reading Challenge 2015
It’s been ages since I’ve set myself a new year’s resolution. Hopefully you’ll help me to make it come through.
I’m not saying or promising myself, I will read 50 books as listed in the Challenge. That would be too big of a goal. Remember, goals have to be realistic and attainable. So these are my 2015 reading goals and how I plan to achieve them:
- I will try to tick of as much of the boxes as possible.
- My handbag will always carry a book or my Kindle.
- Each book and my “book report” will be posted.
- Everyone can make book recommendations by leaving a comment. Please leave me the Title, Author and why I should read it.
- End of 2015 I will post a resume of the Challenge and whether or not I will keep on going in 2016
And without further delay, … these are the first books on my list:
This will keep my busy for a while!
Anyway, what about you? Are you a book addict? I’d love to know and hear about your suggestions.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
a) zu Deiner Ehrlichkeit und
b) zu Deinem Vorhaben.
Ich alter Bücherwurm könnte Dir auf Anhieb zu jedem Kästchen einen Titel nennen. Lesen ist immer noch eine meiner Lieblingsbeschäftigungen. Ich verbinde so viel damit, es würde den Rahmen sprengen das alles aufzuzählen.
Ich wünsch Dir viel Erfolg und 1 Buch pro Monat ist auch schon eine Menge.
GLG Astrid
Hi Astrid, Danke für deine Unterstützung! Ich kann sie gut gebrauchen. Ich hole mir bei dir bestimmt noch ein paar Buchempfehlungen
Dear Astrid, many thanks for your support. I’ll need it. I will probably contact you soon to get sond book recommendations