Last week has been all about Valentine! For the first time in my blogging life, I had set myself a small trial for an editorial calendar. The theme, you guessed it, Valentine. A lemony valentine to be precise. I was all set and kind of curious. “Was I able to meet all my goals and deadlines?” And then came a post that took all my anxiety: Angela from Working on Working Mom nominated me for the Liebster Award.
This award was just the motivation boost that I needed. AND it allows me to boost the motivation of a few other new blogger colleagues. This award was created for bloggers from bloggers. Blogs don’t get the million readers they are aiming for from day one. It takes time and effort, I don’t have to tell you that! The Liebster Award helps new bloggers to grow there readership.
What are the Liebster Award Rules?
By accepting this award I am committing to the following:
- Answer 11 questions from my nominator
- Pick 11 nominees of my own
- Create 11 questions for my nominees
- Inform my nominees that they have been nominated
Here goes…
My Answers to Angela’s questions
What does your blog name mean to you?
- Since my daughter was born, 9 years ago already, it has become very important to me to create a real home. A place where our little family is save, can relax, find their roots and come down to earth in times of stress. A place where life is comfy, where cosiness lifts all the clouds and where our family is living.
- What is your most comforting comfort food?
- In times of stress or worries or just on a bad day, I mostly wish for, what I call, “mummy-food”. Things my mother made when I was a child. Not at all very easy as mummy dearest is about 700km away. And whatever I try, I can make these recipes myself but they keep on lacking the mothers touch.
- On the other I can find much comfort in a good peace of chocolate. I’m still Belgian at heart, what would expect?!?!?
- What is the worst part of your day?
- The two minutes before my alarm clock goes off and the 3 minutes after it. If I survive those, I have lift off.
- What positive thought do you use when you are feeling down?
- When I am really really down, I just have to cuddle my daughter or see her laugh and my world is right as rain again.
- What is your favourite food made with chocolate?
- Chocolate sauce – Goes with everything
- Chocolate sauce – Goes with everything
- Who is your favourite blogger and why?
- My favourite blogger colleague is Tina from Tina’s Tausendschön. Her German blog has mouth-watering recipes, breath taking pictures and a very relaxed writing style.
- When was your happiest moment?
- In life?? Saying yes to my husband and slipping the wedding ring on his finger, whilst I was holding our new born daughter in my arms.
- Where have you gone that felt the most like paradise?
- The first apartment that I rented and furnished with my first salary
- Why do you blog?
- To improve my writing, in the hope to inspire others and with the never diminishing wish to be inspired by my readers.
- How much time do you spend doing the things you love?
- When I’d say 24 hours, it would sound a bit cliché, right? But 20 hours is not far off!
- What is one thing you want more than anything?
- To keep husband and daughter save and sound at all times. Although winning the lottery wouldn’t come amiss
(If only I would play!!)
- To keep husband and daughter save and sound at all times. Although winning the lottery wouldn’t come amiss
My Nominees for the Liebster Award are
My Questions
– Which country could imagine yourself living in?
– What was/is the biggest project you’ve ever worked on?
– How do you prefer to celebrate your birthday?
– What recipe never works in your kitchen?
– How does your dream garden look like?
– You win 1 Million €/$. What is your first decision?
– What is your favourite piece of furniture?
– Who would you love to see in concert?
– What question would you like to ask your head of state?
– Your husband brings home a present without reason. What’s in it?
– What makes your day perfect?
Nominees – Obviously, you are under no obligation to accept this award; just consider this nomination my note to you that your blog rocks! I can’t wait to read your responses if you do accept!
Readers – Have you accepted a Liebster Award? If so, leave a link to your post in the comments.
To add this badge to your blog, just copy and paste the html below into the ‘text’ section of your post/site:
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